Top 8 Important things to do When you Come to Canada

Important things to do When you Come to Canada: When you first arrive in Canada, there are at least 8 important things you need to do right away. All are important but some are more important than others. Doing these things will make it easier for you to settle in Canada which is pretty much a new environment for you.

In this article, I’ll list the top 8 things you need to do when you come to Canada. I have arranged them in order of importance. As soon as you’re cleared from the airport, you should have these seven things in mind. The good thing is, you don’t have to wait till you complete one of these things before doing another.

See Also: Documents Required from International Students at a Canadian Airport to Get Study Permit

Note: I didn’t include accommodation to this list as I assume you should already have accommodation. The information in this article is useful to anyone who just arrived in Canada i.e. international students, workers, permanent residents, etc.

Arriving Canada Airport

Important Things to do When you Come to Canada

  1. Get a Social Insurance Number (SIN): If you’re an international student or a worker who plans to work in Canada, you need to get your SIN. You should start this process as soon as you arrive in Canada. You should read our article explaining the importance of SIN and the various ways you can apply it.
  2. Open a Bank Account: You need to open a bank account in Canada as soon as you arrive. The bank will issue you a debit card (and a credit card if you request it). This will make it easier for you to pay for things like groceries in Canada. I’ll advise you to convert your money from your local currency and deposit it in your new Canada Banks in Canada including Scotiabank, CIBC, RBC, etc. You don’t need to have an SIN before you open a bank account in Canada.
  3. Get a Provincial ID Card: A Provincial ID card is an easy way for the government of the province to identify you. You should apply for the Provincial ID card in your province as soon as you can.
  4. Get a Bus/Train Card: Another thing you need to do is get a bus pass. Using UBER and LYFT car services in Canada can be quite expensive. Getting a bus/train card will cut the cost of transportation by over 80%.
  5. Get A Local SIM Card: You need to buy a SIM card from a network carrier as soon as you arrive in Canada. This way, you’ll stay connected to the internet and make unlimited voice calls within Canada. Popular network providers in Canada include Rogers, Fido, etc.
  6. Locate your School/Work: You also need to find and know the physical location of your school or workplace. This will make it easier for you when using the number 8 below.
  7. Find Grocery Stores: If you’re like me, you’ll like to cook at home. So, you need to find the grocery stores close to you. Trust me, you don’t want to be eating out in Canada when you first arrive in Canada. You’ll save lots of money when you buy and cook and hence it’s very important you find grocery stores near you.
  8. Get Familiar With Google or Apple Maps: If you don’t know how to use Google or Apple Maps, you should start getting familiar with them now. In Canada, you need Maps to navigate where you’re going. You’ll see bus and train schedules on Maps. And if it’s your first time in Canada, you’ll need Maps to guide you to the location.

See Also: How to Apply for Canada Study Permit from Your Home

These are the top 8 important things you should do when you first come to Canada. As stated above, you can start a process and go to the next one. For example, you can apply for SIN and go open your Bank account and vice versa.





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