Top 5 Reasons why you should Study in Canada

Reasons why you should Study in Canada: The question of why you should study in a country is the most important question to ask before applying for a study abroad. And if you want to study in Canada but you’re still skeptical, well I can understand why. I mean, what are the reasons to study abroad? Are there any known benefits to studying in Canada as opposed to if you choose to study in the UK, US, Germany, or other countries?

According to recent data, many international students are choosing Canada as their first choice when it comes to studying abroad. Not only is Canada known for offering world-class education, but also have varieties of programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Canada is also the best country to easily get permanent residence for those students who want to stay back after graduation.

In this article, I will be sharing with you the top 5 reasons why you should study in Canada. Maybe after reading this article, it’ll reaffirm your decision with your decision to go and study in Canada (or not).

Reasons Why You Should Study in Canada

1. Cultural Diversity

Over the years, Canada has hosted over half a million students from different parts of the world with different ethnic groups. culture and lifestyle. The multicultural background makes it very habitable no matter where you come from and those also respect your religion or lifestyle. This also gives you the opportunity to learn about other cultures.

As an international student, learning and living with people of different cultures and backgrounds prepares you better for the global workforce where you will be exposed to working with different people from different backgrounds. I won’t forget to mention the fact that you’ll be exposed to different food, ways of life, clothes, etc. of other cultures. If you truly want to know more about other cultures, you’ll find Canada very interesting as you study in the country.

Reasons why you should Study in Canada

See also: Top 18 Schools in Canada with no Application Fee

2. Security

Another thing to take note of when going to another country to study is security, and this puts Canada at the top list of countries to consider because, over the years, Canada has been ranked as one of the safest countries in the world. For international students, the universities make sure they are comfortable by providing the necessary support they need, they also provide a helpline to the student if they have any complaints.

So long you abide by the Canadian immigration rules and laws, you will be safe. Canada is a safe place with records of less gun violence, knife violence, and gang fights. Emergency services are also quick to respond and the police force is well-funded.

3. Immigration Opportunities

Apart from researching programs and universities in a country, it is also important you know if the country offers the opportunity to work and stay back after your study program. The immigration opportunities Canada offers make it one of the best countries to study for international study. Canada offers a post-graduation work permit program where students can work for two to three years after their study program which enables them to apply for permanent residence.

It is easier to get permanent residence if you have a Canadian degree. Canada also has express entry streams like the Federal Skilled Worker program. Getting work in Canada is relatively easy after getting a degree and getting a job is one way you can easily stay in Canada after schooling.

See also: Areas in Canada with low cost of living 

4. Affordable Schools

When comparing the cost of education in countries like the UK and the USA, the average tuition fee in Canada is quite cheaper which is one big benefit of studying in Canada as an international student.

Tuition feeUndergraduate ProgramPostgraduate Program
Canada$33,632CAD per year$20,120CAD per year
USA$37,400CAD per year$40,300CAD per year
UK$40,500CAD per year$27,000CAD per year

5. Cost of Living

Canada has always been the number one choice for international students as it has a lower cost of living compared to other countries. However, the amount of money a student will spend on accommodation, food, transportation, and healthcare will depend on the student’s lifestyle and the province the student decides to reside.

To reiterate the points above, some of the important reasons why you should study in Canada is, Canada is safe, the cost of living in Canada is relatively cheap, the cost of studying in Canada is cheap, different cultures, and job opportunity. If you have any questions or need any assistance, you can always reach us by using our Contact Us page.






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